highly sensitive person HSP emotions feelings emotional intelligence anger sadness anxiety joy empath

Wanna take back your peace from the chaotic emotional tornado that drags you through the mud?

If you struggle with feelings that show up at the WRONG TIME, WRONG PLACE, or the WRONG WAYS, I gotchu!

Here’s a free 3-step PDF guide to get you back on your feet!

Not just tired, but WEARY

You scroll through Instagram or TikTok for yet another hour way past your bedtime because you just. can’t. settle.

You try to drown out the shame & embarrassment of having had your feelings TOTALLY TAKE OVER (again!), even though you told yourself (for the millionth time) that you need to get your shit together and keep your messy feels under wraps, lest they RUIN what matters most to you…

Not only are you exhausted from trying to wrangle in your feelings, but you’re also feeling desperate to find something (anything!) to get you out of this hellhole of an emotional feedback loop.

All these self-help books say that feelings are supposed to matter…But then why the hell are they SO DIFFICULT and CONFUSING to deal with?

Isn’t anyone out there who can actually explain how feelings work without me going to grad school for it?

Why, yes there is!!

Hiya, I’m Joanne, aka the Feelings Translator!

highly sensitive person HSP emotions feelings emotional intelligence anger sadness anxiety joy empath

I spent my kid & teen years flailing through BIG feelings while trying to keep my shit together so that EVERYONE ELSE would feel better.

Each feeling I buried fed into a vicious EMOTIONAL VORTEX that made my life & relationships a living hell.

…until I cracked the code to feelings.

(turns out, it’s actually one simple step!)

Fast forward to today — I am a therapist-turned feelings coach who helps those who are drowning in their feelings finally work WITH their feelings so their feelings work FOR them.

“Joanne has supported me in identifying my own self-sabotaging patterns, helping me break through my limited beliefs and step into my personal power.

Her real life experience of working through difficult emotions helps me to champion myself as I give my gifts to the world.”

Rukmini Poddar,
artist & author of Draw Your Feelings

highly sensitive person HSP emotions feelings emotional intelligence anger sadness anxiety joy empath

Featured In!

What’s the ONE key step that’ll help you harness the power of your emotions to create your dream life, relationships, and career?

Let me show you in this 1-hour Masterclass!