Here’s a collection of online courses & workbooks on all things feelings.

If you want to skip to a specific topic, use the buttons below!

*These are NOT meant to be a replacement for therapy, but supplemental to support your growth & healing!

Foundational Courses & Workbooks

  • The BIG Feelings Masterclass

    A 1-hour, Lite version of Foundations that shows how you can turn your soul-sucking emotional rollercoaster into your life-giving power source!

  • The BIG Feelings Foundations

    A self-paced program that’s about the fundamentals of emotions, including how you can harness their full power to create your dream life!

  • The BIG Feelings Library

    The entire collection of topical courses about working WITH your emotions in your personal growth, relationships, and professional development.

  • The Feelings Workbook

    The full 81-page workbook that accompanies The BIG Feelings Foundations, including 34 exercises on the fundamental dimensions of emotions.

  • Workbook LITE

    A lighter 19-page version of the full workbook that includes 11 exercises on self-care, self-exploration, and assertiveness.

Mini Courses about Personal Growth

  • The Emotional Habits of HSPs

    Learn what the Highly Sensitive trait is, the emotional and relationship habits that come with it, and the skills to honor your beautiful sensitivity.

  • Nurture Your Powerful Anger

    Anger is your FRIEND, not FOE! Find out how to skillfully wield the power of anger in doing what it do best: say that YOU FUCKING MATTER, TOO!

  • Riding the Waves of Grief

    The depth & breadth of our grief reveal just how much we love. Learn how to treasure what/who really MATTERS and honor your full capacity for all of life.

Mini Courses about Relationships

  • Boundaries to Strengthen Your Relationships

    Learn how to create enough room for BOTH of your wants & needs in your relationships so that they’re mutually nourishing!

  • Befriending Resentment

    Find out the main purpose of resentment and how you can effectively harness it to fill your empty tanks in your relationships.

  • Genogram Template

    With this Google Slides Template, make your own genogram, a family tree diagram that helps you see the relationship dynamic between family members and generational patterns.

Mini Courses about Professional Development

  • Taming Perfectionism

    Find out what drives your Inner Critic to do what it does and learn how to effectively befriend it to work FOR (not against!) you!

  • The Art of Procrastination

    Discover why procrastination happens and learn how you can overcome that hurdle. (Hint: judging yourself is not it!)

What Else Should I Make?

I’m always on the lookout for new goodies to make for you!

Here are some topics I’ve shared about:

  • Emotions

  • Relationships

  • Personal Growth

  • Professional Development.

Got any burning questions about any of these topics? Shoot me an email!