Blogs by Categories
Overcoming Overwhelm with the Triage Chart
Feeling overwhelmed by a million things that seem both important and urgent? A triage chart is a way by which you can categorize what needs your best attention. Learn how to declutter and focus with the triage chart!
How to Use Your Emotional Triggers for Growth
Are you someone who gets easily frustrated because you feel like you're getting tripped up by the same things over and over again? Learn how to check in with yourself and use your emotional triggers for personal growth.
How to Grow in Empathy in Your Relationships
Seeing a loved one in emotional distress can be just as difficult as swimming in the emotions yourself. Which of the 8 reactions do you tend to have when your loved one is going through a lot? Read more to exercise your empathy muscle!
Books About Emotions I Recommend
Here are my favorite books for different emotions (MAD, SAD, GLAD, SCARED, NUMB, SHAME), personal growth, relationships, and professional development!
6 Simple Steps for Highly Sensitive Persons to Grow Beyond Navel Gazing
One of the emotional habits that trip Highly Sensitive Persons up is navel gazing: being so absorbed in one’s inner world that ends up creating a whole lot of problems personally, relationally, and professionally. Read more about how to grow beyond navel gazing!
Feeling SCARED: Fear as the Emotion of Sizing Up
Do your FEARS paralyze you or make you believe you’re less than capable of what lies ahead? Learn how to engage your MIND, HANDS, and HEART, and let the fourth emotion, FEAR, help you rise to challenge.
Emotions can tell us a lot about our NEEDS and how we can go about meeting them - either ourselves, through others, for others. Learn more about the meaning of the BIG FIVE emotions of MAD, SAD, GLAD, SCARED, and NUMB.