Blogs by Categories
What is Your Relationship Model?
Ever wondered how you connect with people? Discover different relationship models and how they shape your connections. From one-on-one bonds to ever-changing dynamics, explore the ways we relate to others and what that means for your personal growth.
Take Time to Rest: Why Sharpening Your Ax Matters
Do you feel dull or focused? If the former, it might be time for you to rest and recharge so that your daily life feels smoother. Read more about how you can sharpen yourself as an ax.
How to Be Assertive: Two Quick Tips
Empathetic people struggle to put their needs before others, but practicing assertiveness is a necessary part of every relationship. Read these quick tips on how to be assertive and create BALANCED relationships.
Juggling Too Many Balls? Which to Keep and Which to Drop
In today’s hyper-connected world, it’s all too common to find ourselves 'Juggling Too Many Balls,' trying to keep them all in the air.
Prioritize tasks before making irreparable mistakes by identifying which of these juggled “balls” are made of rubber, glass, or wood.
Create Your Safe Haven
As a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), your external environment impacts your inner world and vice versa. Learn how you can create your safe haven at home and at work.
Self Care Tools for Highly Sensitive People
I had the pleasure of being interviewed for The Highly Sensitive Podcast. We talked about honoring our boundaries, protecting our energy with self care tools for Highly Sensitive People, and our experiences as HSPs.
Who is the Highly Sensitive Person?
There are four key traits that describe a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). See if these resonate, and learn what that might mean about you and your life + relationships!
Why is it So Hard to Ask for Help? You Might be Counterdependent.
I HATE asking for help… and so do a lot of the people I work with. This is NOT being independent, but really counterdependent - being averse to needing anyone else. How do I know if I’m counterdependent? Read the blog to find out!
Obstacles that Keep Empaths and Sensitive People from Resting
My sentiments towards all things related to REST (relaxation, stillness, vacation, play) have changed. So how did I go from rarely resting to now having regular vacations multiple times a year? Read the blog to find out!
How to Grow in Empathy in Your Relationships
Seeing a loved one in emotional distress can be just as difficult as swimming in the emotions yourself. Which of the 8 reactions do you tend to have when your loved one is going through a lot? Read more to exercise your empathy muscle!
How Our Feelings About Our Birthdays Might Keep Us Stuck
So many Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs) and Empaths have negative feelings about their own birthdays. Here are some reasons why and 4 steps of how to build the courage to experience joy!
3 Lessons Plants Taught Me About Self-Care and Boundaries
Here are 3 tips for how to take good care of yourself. (Hint: It’s not too different from what you already do or feel towards plants!)
Radical Candor: Balancing Regard for Self and Others
Do you feel like your needs don’t matter, despite how much you do for others? Learn how to move towards Radical Candor, a relationship stance that creates room in the relationship big enough for both yourself and others.
How Emotions Work for Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs)
I had a conversation with the host of the Sensitive Success Podcast Frida Kabo about one superpower for Highly Sensitive Persons: the world of emotions.
How Do Feelings Work? (Highly Sensitive Podcast Interview)
Join me and Lauren LaSalle as we talk on her podcast, The Highly Sensitive Podcast, about how to do emotions along with tips for HSPs.
5 Steps to Process Your Feelings So They Don't Mess Up Your Life
Stuffing our feelings (thinking that it’ll make things better) only BACKFIRE. Learn what happens when you repress your emotions and the 5 steps to actually process them and free up your focus and energy!
3 Quick Exercises for HSPs to Become More Decisive & Effective
Highly Sensitive Persons tend to get stuck in indecision: too much AIM, not enough FIRE. Learn how to grow beyond this emotional habit that leads to procrastination, imposter syndrome, and shame!
3 Quick Exercises for HSPs to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Emotions
Highly Sensitive Persons tend to absorb other people’s emotions, pain, and responsibilities, creating a whole lot of problems. Read more about how to grow beyond being an emotional sponge!
6 Simple Steps for Highly Sensitive Persons to Grow Beyond Navel Gazing
One of the emotional habits that trip Highly Sensitive Persons up is navel gazing: being so absorbed in one’s inner world that ends up creating a whole lot of problems personally, relationally, and professionally. Read more about how to grow beyond navel gazing!
The 3 Emotional Habits that Trip Up Highly Sensitive Persons (HSPs)
The Highly Sensitive Person is someone who resonates with the four traits of D.O.E.S.: Depth of Processing, Overstimulation, Emotional Reactivity + Empathy, and Sensitivity to Subtle Stimuli. Read about how this affects our emotions!